Fitness | Drumroll Please

About 7 months ago I wrote a blog post called “You Can’t Out-Exercise a Bad Diet” and committed to getting healthy again.

I had stopped being active. I could barely run 2 miles, if that. I felt uncomfortable in my own skin.

Once I left a few negative environments behind, I just decided that I didn’t want to keep living in the shadow of them. I had a new job, new community of friends, new living situation… and it was time!

To me it wasn’t so much about appearance, the number on the scale or what size pants I was wearing. It was about taking care of my body, feeling healthy and energized, and overcoming tough circumstances.

Let me tell you something, no matter how much you love peanut butter (guilty), ice cream (guilty) or sitting on the couch getting lost in TV shows (guilty), making a change is so worth it!

So, I am pleased to announce that this month I hit a big milestone:

I’ve lost 25 lbs!

WHAT? I know, I sort of don’t believe it myself. I still think I have a ways to go, but the fact that last night I went on a casual 3.5 mile run at a 9:10 pace and felt great (as compared to my run paces and distances last spring) makes me so happy.

Food. Exercise. Willpower. Ultimately, you just have to make the decision.

Now, off to get rid of the next 15lbs.

Thanks for encouraging words along the way, friends! Special thank you to my partner in crime and accountability partner in getting healthy, Ali!Ā 

16 thoughts on “Fitness | Drumroll Please

  1. Ahh that is amazing girl!! I don’t even know where the 25lbs were to begin with but that is a huge accomplishment. Inspiring šŸ™‚

  2. WOW!! That is so awesome. And I agree with Melissa, don’t know how you had 25 to lose but I’m totally motivated to go to the gym now šŸ™‚

    1. Haha well y’all are too kind, but a huge thank you! Encouragement from friends/readers/everyone has kept me motivated too, so I’m happy to pass it along!

  3. AH THAT IS SO AWESOME!! you’re amazing! and such an inspiration…now i want to go for a run! i’ve been feeling a little unmotivated these days…but this is what i needed to hear!

    1. Thanks Callie!! You should definitely start running again – you were such a little speedster! Maybe if you start blogging again you’ll be motivated – I need my “smiles” fix šŸ™‚

  4. Congrats!! I’ve never commented before but I’ve been following along your exercise posts and am so happy for you… and motivated to get to the gym! Thanks šŸ™‚

  5. So inspiring, Elisabeth! I want to believe a 3-mile run can be easy for me some day…keep telling me it’s possible, pretty please. Maybe we could even run it together in the future?!

    1. Thanks, Paige! Just keep pushing – even if it is frustrating or you hit plateaus. It may take a long time (I mean 25lbs in 6 months isn’t exactly fast!) but you’ll get there! And I would love to run (or walk!) together sometime šŸ™‚

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